Have an Organized Seasonal Wardrobe in Just 2-Hours

Wardrobe overflowing? How to be less stressed when you get dressed.

Olly J
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJan 24, 2022


(Photo by: Fernando Lavin)

Where I live, the seasons change about every 3 months.

This has prompted me to set aside a couple of hours each season to be more intentional and change over my seasonal wardrobe.

This means if winter is the incoming season, I am transitioning my wardrobe from lighter autumn outfits to warmer, thicker clothes for the colder weather.

As the process of organizing and being intentional about what we keep in our lives is a way to cultivate a calmer lifestyle, I felt it would be a good seasonal habit to explore.

If you haven’t yet completed your seasonal wardrobe change-over or haven’t minimized your closet recently, I suggest giving this method a try.

What a ‘Seasonal Wardrobe Change-Over’ looks like:

Seasonally swapping out your wardrobe should be done 4 times per year — once in the autumn, winter, spring, and summer.

The intention here is to declutter those clothes that no longer serve a purpose and to create a wardrobe of clothes that you actually like and actually enjoy wearing.



Olly J
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I help executives take back control of their schedule so they can sleep, work, and live on a deeper level.